Left us in 2019 but his riding will never be forgotten
One of the most stylish riders that had no match in the toe side arena. He would ride his favorite break Karmers and stamp his authority in the water and demand respect that he earned way back when. He would throw buckets of spray and I have still to see anyone smash that was as vertical and in the pocket as he did and he will be missed in Durban waters as well as in CT as wherever he went he had mates and stories and was well loved.
I found this old footage of when he still rode a mutant and kited with his golf glove. Every time i went to Cape Town Clint would promise me that we would kite every day and when the wind didn’t blow he and I would still get sessions in and no-one would believe us, He used to kite before the wind and would be getting out as soon as everyone was only arriving. He had it right.
Shot for all the session we shared my cuzzie
Till we meet again and ride the clouds of heaven together.
Kitesurfing Lessons Explained
Welcome to O2A Kitesurfing, here’s a quick video of what you can expect when booking a lesson with us… Introduction The Place To Be
How do I learn to kitesurf?